Sunday, January 7, 2018

Welcome to Cookies and Crafts 101!

Welcome to Cookies and Crafts 101!

I am Rumaysa H. I am Hafsa H. We are the authors in this blog. When I started the blog, I wanted to teach crafting, cooking and answer questions from beginners. Same with me. I want to teach people of all age to knit, crochet, sew, and craft. I am a young crafter and I think that all children like me should learn to do these amazing things. Please follow this blog and let us know what you want to learn more about or read in the comments. 

                                            -R.H. and H.H.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

DIY galaxy painting


Today I will be explaining how I made a DIY galaxy for painting beginners. 
This DIY is surprisingly easy and the first thing you should make when starting to paint.

        . 1 canvas
        . Apple Barrel paints:
          purple, blue, white, and
        . paint brushes & a sponge
        . iridescent gemstones                                                                             (optional)
      .  a toothbrush


   First, I covered my canvas in black paint. Next, I applied random colors of paint on my canvas with the sponge. I made sure there was still some black on the canvas. When I finished, I stared at my creation and got worried. It looked too dull. I blended a little white around the corners. Still weird looking. I added white paint onto my toothbrush and spritzed it on the painting. It finally looked     complete! I finally let it dry and then added iridescent gemstones and signed it with my initials.

         Thank you for reading and I hope you will try painting this galaxy!


Monday, April 3, 2017

Giant Air Dry Clay Recipe

     Hello again! Welcome back to my blog! Today I will give you guys my super special giant air dry clay or cold porcelain recipe! For this recipe you will be needing:

  1. 2 cups\4 bottles of craft glue
  2. 2 cups of corn starch
  3. 6 tbsp of almond, baby or vegetable oil
  4. 3 tbsp of lemon juice

     First up, mix up your corn starch and your glue.
Next, mix in your oil and lemon juice. Then, put the mixture inside a microwave for 1 minute for 30 seconds intervals. Then, knead the mixture till it forms a teardrop shape when you pull it apart. 
                                                         And that is it! 

To keep it from drying, just wrap plastic around it and keep it in your refrigerator. 


Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Science of Slime + Tutorial

     Hi! Welcome to my blog!
Today, I would like to tell you all about slime. 
     To make slime you need PVA glue and an activator. PVA stands for Polyvinyl Alcohol.
PVA is found in craft glue, but not in the natural glue. So how do you get that gooey texture of slime? 
When PVA mixes with sodium borate it causes a reaction which creates slime. What is sodium borate? Sodium borate or boric acid is borax. 
     There are many ways to make or get activators. I'll list some. 
1) Get 1/4 cup of hot water. Add 1 tsp of borax. Mix it in. 
2) Use baking soda_1/4 tsp per 4 oz glue_and contact lens solution. 
3) Tide laundry detergent (about 1 tsp at a time). 
4) And eye drops (a few drops at a time). 

Those are some of the activators you could use for making slime. 

     Some people also say you can use air freshener. You can use it only if it says "Buffered solution" or it has to say boric acid or sodium borate. Also, you should always add water to your borax when using it. If you just add powdered borax, it will be way too strong for the glue and some of it will clump up and the rest will be glue. if you have any questions, I am free to answer.

                                                    And that's it! Bye!
