Monday, April 3, 2017

Giant Air Dry Clay Recipe

     Hello again! Welcome back to my blog! Today I will give you guys my super special giant air dry clay or cold porcelain recipe! For this recipe you will be needing:

  1. 2 cups\4 bottles of craft glue
  2. 2 cups of corn starch
  3. 6 tbsp of almond, baby or vegetable oil
  4. 3 tbsp of lemon juice

     First up, mix up your corn starch and your glue.
Next, mix in your oil and lemon juice. Then, put the mixture inside a microwave for 1 minute for 30 seconds intervals. Then, knead the mixture till it forms a teardrop shape when you pull it apart. 
                                                         And that is it! 

To keep it from drying, just wrap plastic around it and keep it in your refrigerator. 


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